Thursday, April 21, 2011

Trasvestis En Las Vegas

Reflection Reflection Reflection

FRIDAY (April 22) Today dies. At dawn on Friday, you are judged. Sleepy, cold, have given blows. Decide to condemn him and take him to Pilate. Judas, remorseful, he failed to return to Mary the mother of Jesus and ask forgiveness, and hanged himself. The Jews preferred Barabbas. Pilate washes his hands and sends crucify Jesus. Before, ordered him to be scourged. His mother is in front as he opens the skin to shreds with his whip. Then he placed a crown of thorns and mocked Him Jesus walks Jerusalem Cross. Going up to Calvary meets his Mother. A man named Simon of Cyrene helps carry the cross. Around noon, they crucified him. He gave us His Mother as our Mother and to the three p.m. died and gave up his spirit to the Father. To certify death, pierced him with a spear. At night, between Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus unpins, and leave the body in the hands of his mother. They are about seven when he buried in the tomb. Lord, open my mind to understand the pain of love! That can lead my life with this key saving! That the sacrifice of Jesus Christ help me improve my environment.

I leave this video I found on the Web, we want to explain how it was this death ...

Tomorrow's explanation for the Sabbath.


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