Yesterday I was with Sergio. A coffee that lasted until a few spikes, a few beers, a few drinks and a tumble early in his attic. I left without saying goodbye or let my phone. Last week was Mario, a lawyer for thirty years. We were both looking Neuman books in the library of the corner and started talking about poetry and what they can get pretentious to be the artists. We went outside and invited me to his house to prepare a Japanese meal was death. Also slept there. Tomorrow I'm meeting Paul, a fellow of the faculty. He is tall and has green eyes, very cute. The last time I saw him I smiled and told me he wanted to see me again. With Enrique just remember that it was night and we ended up talking sitting on the curb of special fonts and the effect they produce (sans the comic is horrible!). I always avoid talking about myself, what I feel, how my life has changed since he left. I do not averse to anything anyone gives me a little glib and a beautiful smile. I ask no more. Sergio, Mario, Paul, Henry Timmy, Pepe, Juan?. I do not like sleeping alone. Every night is a different one, but in the darkness and silence of the night, when only guess our silhouettes, I kiss you, caress you, I whisper, I embrace you. Every day you have a body, aroma, taste different. Never let you talk. Touch my hair and bite me and I know you. I tell you I love you and you're the man of my life and in the morning I go home to shower and get ready for our next meeting. I love being surprised every night as well.
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