If I were the devil, you know what would? ...
would take control of the most powerful nation on Earth.
deceptively would convince people that their power is the result of their own efforts rather than a concession of divine blessings.
would foster an attitude of loving things and using people, rather than the opposite. It would lead to entire states
depend on gambling as their main source of revenue.
would convince people that integrity is not important to play a position of authority.
Legalize abortion for mothers to have the right to kill their babies.
would promote socially acceptable to kill themselves and invent machines that would be easy.
you subtract all the possible value of human life in such a way as to value the life of an animal more than one person.
alienate God from schools and would make even the mention of His name was reason enough to file a lawsuit.
I seize the media so that every night I could pollute the minds of all members of the family in my designs.
attack the concept of family, which is the backbone of any nation.
would encourage people to express their most depraved fantasies on canvas and movie screens, and call it art.
persuade people that the concepts of good and evil are set by a few people who set themselves up as authorities and refer to their agenda in terms of political correctness.
would convince people that the church is irrelevant and anachronistic and that the Bible is for the gullible. AdormecerÃa
Christians and make them believe that prayer is not important and that faithfulness and obedience are optional.
actually leave things more or less well, as they are today.

Source: Web Católico de Javier.
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