Gchú-Tijuana-Gchú (07/23/1907 to 03/24/1910) Proa
* "The Flurry" Seu "Tiuna" "I", the "Marimbha" the "Raul", "Araceli", the "King" and "Comandante."
Almost three years passed until he returned home. More than 880 days, 32 months traveling over 100,000 miles on the road. Back in Argentina, a dream moment. Not easy. With this input
completed the last stage of the return to Latin America with the "Flurry". The Brazilian Grand Prix. Far
entering the Interlagos circuit, traveled the road from the distant and isolated southern Venezuela to the heart of the Amazon in Brazil.
Huaira From Santa Elena, the boundary or line as it is called also, to our country we were approximately 10,000 km of road passing over the hot Brazilian territory, located on Ecuador.
The hot and wild plains were as surprising as fuel prices, but before we get into what was the experience in Brazil, I will continue as the pictures continue to not forget any of those souls who chose to love and believe in the community. Thinking
cold from the warmth of my happy home, at the end was as I said nomas Lennon and so many other, love was all I ever need, something pa 'accompanying loneliness and distance. Returning
history, back to Isla Margarita, Venezuela eastern Caribbean. That was our seas so magical farewell as historically conquered by pirates to walk now away from their payments hocks.
Firm, head south to the Orinoco, traveled a long and desolate territory of our South America. The only way south on the east. That was the path chosen and predetermined from the beginning, always faithful to the ideology of no return by the same routes. Not one step back.
recrossed to the mainland on the ferry, now we were 5. We spent the dry heat of the Caribbean beaches more humid heat of the continent, filled the lungs of the planet.
would begin to experience the jungle humidity and heat characteristic of the latitude 0 °.
Crossing the bridge over the Orinoco River, the younger brother of the Amazon, we arrived to the warm city of Puerto Ordaz. Here and throughout Venezuela, we had an "Ace" up his sleeve. Whenever a contact, a lifeline for slapping a few days. We needed some energy load, rest than they were two days of more than 9 hours of driving to a temperature above 40 º.
The Falcon, a car in the South is always working at very low temperature here had already been used to route to the boiling water, so much so that from Colombia we began using "oil 20 w 50" does not produce as much wear engine and the truth that this new little heart yet.
arrived after half day, type 3 in the afternoon. Asphalt blowing fire seemed to melt and just. At that time still were traveling with two cubs of the Marimbha, two brothers we thought conditions have still sponsor in which we were traveling, what was left in the team was love.
But the heat was killing them, they kept begging a shadow, a cold water bath, according to their environment just 20 days. The poor drank even water, and the teats of the Marimbha long bed ready for capucchino. There
aperecieron these angels. We met more than half a year ago and never had talked. We kept the card will only contact we had given in Cartagena, Colombia on one of his trips to the neighboring country, where met these carefree youth that offered their shirts to realize their dream.
This kind family took care of us in all things necessary for us to continue down the throat of the devil with cells recovered.
The next city in mind was Manaus in Amazon state, over 1400 km from Puerto Ordaz, so had to make some pampering in the car. "Oh" coincidence between the friends we made in the city, met a neighbor of the family.
This gave us a great friend "service" to the Falcon so that we address with confidence always difficult journey ahead of us. Always thanks and hope.
Besides helping with the car, the boys took a clean sweep and collaborated buying these works of art that made Raul, male and female version. Thanks to them some Bolivares together, currency for his candor is rare.
Things in Venezuela are worth what they should enforce everywhere, the real worth, recognizing that small farmers and share Venezuela's oil among all Venezuelans and those who want to walk within their borders.
Well we left the Gran Sabana. We parted at about 7 pm to sleep on the road, with nature.
next day wake up from wide landscapes, desolate but strangely very fertile. As Eduardo says Galeano, Latin countries suffer the "unproductive estates" of English surnames, Portuguese, Dutch, American, etc, wired to force Aboriginal blood lead.
keep people working on a piece of bread or allow the natives grown for consumption but at tragic cost of slavery, and that should work for the employer to export their goods and farming at the expense of the natives. Maintain food shortage without compromising their wealth wealthy community growth in the region. His royal blood still harvest misery among the natives and the descendants of black slavery.
* El Fuerte Tiuna and his brother Cacique Guaicaipuro (RIP).
Before reaching the border we stopped to find the Jasper Creek, a waterfall on a giant slab of Jasper, a beautiful brownstone in the area, some that color would say that it took so much blood shed on the indigenous European conquest in the service of the Catholic Church.
* Jaspe.
Now it was routed by the mythical Gran Sabana. Few kilometers emotional, that live for many Venezuelan friends who died knowing that we were sent over there, in a bold '71 Ford, regretting they did not have the courage to know even this remote region so proudly talked about by Venec.
La Gran Sabana, home of Mount Roraima, one of the oldest Tepuis, mountain preserving ancient forests within it of stones, diamonds large quartz of a person, which can only be guided by the natives of the area .
is one of the oldest places
geology of Earth, dating back to about two billion years ago.
* Mount Roraima
On February 22 we left for Venezuela, with only a day of balance in our 3-month permit in the country. Happy to enter Brazil, the country number 15 for the Falcon, Last on our tour. Crossing the border
feel a cry of capital accent "... Ehh Argentina! .." there we find another traveler, a Buenos Aires who came riding on a motorcycle from Buenos Aires to Panama City.
* This character came piloting more than 10 hrs per day, trying to meet its 800 km a day that demanded his ego. We looked into his eyes and asked about the eye ... you come to the pool, you were a soldier? "... Nooo, I come with sky-ocular pressure ...". Had strokes in the eyes of the bike ride demanding long hours, thinking only of reaching, in this case was going to Panama City (Guaaaauuuu. .. shopping malls, skyscrapers pacific banking and contaminated Babylonia). The important thing remains the road.
Even before crossing the Brazilian customs met this friend who came to watch our fireball dazed, self very unusual in those parts.
With Brazilian confidence and respect of a traveler, a traveler, do not let us out of "line" not dazzle us with "his" fireball.
* An old and admirable "Landau" Brazilian manufacturing in taking the pledge to reach our home on a visit aboard the same but after finishing his reestauración. Again
protected by the winds of the way, came to the place these amigazos que al escuchar nuestra historia nos regalaron un poco de lo que nos andaba faltando y nos devolvieron el alma al cuerpo, en positivo hacia uno de los lugares mas desolados del planeta. Bendiciones...
Nos encaminabamos a la desolación con un detalle dando vueltas en la cabeza que provocó cambio de planes. El personal aduanal del Estado de Rondonia nos dió solo un mes de permiso de estadia en el pais. Suplicamos mas tiempo, pero no hubo signos de humanidad en su rostro. Veniamos de pasar tres hermosos meses en Venezuela, disfrutando de una politica abierta en cuanto a inmigrantes y ahora que habia que afrontar el gran desafio de recorrer unos de los paises mas grandes del mundo, solo teniamos 30 days to do so.
giving up the fight for more transit permit within the country against the insensitivity of police personnel (in Brazil the police is who is responsible for controlling immigration.) We realized that things were complicated. They had also received many warnings about not being allowed to stay over because the pain was temporary prison and deportation to the country of origin. Crazy.
Junk claimed to have seen us win some touring Brazil beach by beach, garota
porrrr ... garota, selling crafts and playing guitar all day among other things, and so wasted at least a year between whistle and flute, producing slave labor for neoliberal system of consumption.
The fact that the police personnel with their hunch was right about our intentions in their country, but my question is ... that is wrong with that? Had hoped for ... millet than good ', you go and have fun searching has revealed that we dreamed of guy, that keeps us alive, young, passionate. That routine where work is a desire exhilarating joy. That is the right to work to seek and not the tedious work for multinationals that offer in Buenos Aires, where every day lost its meaning because it works for other thunder and rain. Leaving the creation, growth, new experiences to find the evolution of what everyone loves do. We
the first 400 km of Brazilian routes with the money we had and to arrive there. What was in Venezuela for a month, hit us here for just a tank and peak of the commonest and seized Brazilian gasoline, of which few suffocation peck the town with its added value. Caia
the relentless sun that dehydrated during the day, and we were without money, in a precarious barados service station where we planted flags hoping to find that angel that we bought a shirt in one of the most forgotten by those who have been through.
Faith is the last thing you lose all painted so when bedtime the whistle of tripe, got a truck that stopped briefly to pay a little fuel to reach the next station where he had a better service in a larger community.
's right there with my portuñol choked and told them the story of our journey. For there was exaggerated a little but essential seasoning for bite and work with a T-shirt craft.
So he left for a snack and upload a few liters of gasoline for the next day to reach the next station and destination search again.
Although he never lost his composure and patience, our first day in Brazil, we returned to the grim reality of a capitalist country that markets with hungry people through the price of oil included in everything. Ie compared with that shirt we sold at this station, in Tierra Verde-amarelo no we came to pay a quarter of a tank for 100 km. Only the food is cheap, at least there were pretty quietness. But if we calculated how many shirts we had to sell to make the 10,000 km we had left between forest and beaches to get to Argentina, that amount was a crazy t-shirts, which means "years" in Brazil at the pace that we came traveling.
To all this the police personnel had given us only 30 days to travel the 10,000 km. The situation was very uncertain and already felt our bodies Trak-Trak over two and a half on the road fighting every day to win in life, realizing step by step a very long road we were not aware. A way of learning and adventure, which is felt when one lives for so many kilometers away from the environment that protects us.
was that first night in Brazil when I felt it was time to give us a break. And in the neighboring country, I felt that we were already in the final stretch, the return to Latin America was ending.
The next day, straight off the end we decided to step in depth, but still were in the northern hemisphere, and even on the south side of the world. Always pa 'in front. With those liters
we reach the next station and in reserve, empty fuel tank. We went to hang the shirts. After a few minutes of silence, no crossing servicion the modern station in the middle of nowhere. I went to debit the card will see if I accepted it for fuel.
had arrived the day to use the savings they had so carefully and set aside for the moment. We felt as a huge satisfaction at having traveled as much without sponsor or sponsors or sponsors, so self-sustaining. Since that guitar and bongo duo Rodrigo and the first T-shirts Maradona who led the "Cup" T-shirts as "Uniting Latin America in a '71 Falcon" that more than 5,000 people bought, supporting the flourishing of our lives. As also the last stage handmade shirts, earrings, necklaces and bracelets, and nights of guitar and Ivan drawer Zafra "Garufa" the Rosario.
During my adolescence I was gathering around here and there, always some work to make some money to travel to the end of my studies. I imagined I would travel there for a year but with money, sleeping here, eating there, we're going to that side or this one, but my idea of \u200b\u200btravel changed after reading the book "Catch Your Dreams" Candelaria and Herman Zapp, who traveled from Argentina to Alaska in a Graham Paige in 1927 to a maximum speed of 40 km per hour. Thanks.
* Zapp Family
What struck me between their truths and conclusions based on experience that relates this book was that as mentioned before and after the time where you ended your savings.
years collecting little money to get to Alaska in 6 months, straight to 40 km per hour, and in Ecuador did not have a weight. It was a turning point.
They say that in that moment began the real journey, the journey of their lives, their bloom, their evolution towards self-sufficiency expelling fears and prejudices of inactivity.
was the moment where they began their search for his true inner self in complete spontaneous expression in the purest freedom, as far away from home, you're just another one of those who fight to live in this system, but on the road, unprotected and detached from everything around patterns that guided your life for so long. Now desicion on what to do to live and travel could be thought varullo away from an environment can become suffocation if it is not clear that the money is not what matters not is the condition such that we believe it's been cast. Atahualpa traveled by horse and did not need more than passion for the freedom to make his way.
My thoughts about the book was that it should save it for when I got saved when weighing the years and miles away from home. A resource to return and take advantage solivianar, however, the forces and momentum that characterized the early stages of a journey to break the shell and gain that experience without needing to travel more than you earn, making the trip and moenda no pressure times.
With the mind set and to travel the 10,000 km in 30 days, we were convinced and 5th in depth to more than 8 hours of daily road, 5 or 6 Terms of mate, 4 or 5 of the rich "pura vida" , a daily meal and luck. We had no cash or we could withdraw from any ATM, debit card only worked the gas and food in places where I had the system and even so we were kicking.
We returned to the southern hemisphere where I used to see the southern cross marking the course in the evenings, the constellation is not seen the other side.
To get to the heart of the Amazon, there are only a precarious route in parts of asphalt, in parts of red earth and a natural reserve area inhabited by the indigenous community Waimiri Atroari.
This community no longer allowed to reconstruct the road or do works, or deployed in the region curious tourist. Try to maintain white civilization as far from your community. Associated with failure to progress, the devastation of their environment. Remember that many U.S. companies moved into the region to cut trees and install acerraderos. Many of the acerraderos and rubber factories could not be installed because the law protected the lands occupied by Indians. The white solution was insensitive to burn out and exterminate those natives who occupied land were now claimed by the American investor. Any similarity to Rock, the desert campaign and Sarmiento with civilization and barbarism is not mere coincidence.
The road inside the reserve was a litmus test for the Falcon. Wells where the car had reached to put all four wheels and the trees seemed to swallow the daring gradually open road in a forest zone, estuaries and humidity isolated large modern populations.
A few kilometers away from Manaus, one of the puppies suffered a total dewatering, and we went to the vet recommended coconut water, but the poor Guaicaipuro not even take water. Raul dropped at that stop we made some coconuts and drink the water force but did not last and when you get to Manaus left this world and put to rest by the side of a confluence of rivers in the capital of Amazonas.
Whatever you need you have to ask him just the boys.
* Manaus.
* Amigazo of Manaos, who welcomed us and shared the burial of "Gaucai."
* Rio Amazonas
no place to stay, or contact us over until we embark down the river, went to the beach to hold your coat. We were more than 10 days on the coast of the river, refreshments throughout the day and selling crafts at night in the area of \u200b\u200b"Ponta Preta" the beach but you have Manaus category.
prices had learned to board up Belen do Pará. Actual 1200 were something like 700 dollars or about 2400 pesos Argentine, and we do not pa 'shit.
decided to send an SOS to the family, this beautiful family that we missed at home, now would be able to help to bridge the gap.
We needed to gather the money to continue downstream and reach the Atlantic coast and then continue overland to Argentina. A final shipment of the Falcon. From Manaus to Bethlehem. Waiting for the hearse
were more than 15 days, of which 12 were on the ride of "Ponta Negra and three at home this biker friends we knew right there and offered to come into her home for those days.
day finally arrived. The boat went out once a week, we had already missed 2 and this was the third. Impressive sunshine after a whole day waiting at the port board could raise the car.
turns out that the boat was coming from upstream and loaded with sacks of grain that was to carry downstream and for that reason the weight kept the boat below the port making it difficult to upload the file to the boat. Finally
advanced wit climbed the Falcon and began a period of 5 days for the Rio Amazonas to continue down the Brazilian northeast.
balance in full endured tables weight and all on board.
We had to leave the dogs in the cellar so we spent more time with them down, fuse and fuse Mateando and watching the sunsets over the horizon of fresh water.
* The
The natives of the area tend to catch the fast ferry goes once week to take a paddling trip without visiting friends or shopping there.
cute After 5 days, sleeping in hammocks, making and selling handicrafts, arrived at dawn to the city of Belen do Pará. We take this morning that the sun still did not burn with such intensity. No more we fill and we headed for Teresina, famous for being one of the hottest spots of Brazil, halfway between the Amazon and the Atlantic coast north of Brazil.
The idea was to get to Fortaleza as soon as possible to try to sell handicrafts on the coast and cool in the sea. The heat became overwhelming in these latitudes.
Al couple of days we did the thousand-odd km to Fortaleza and stopped because the Falcon needs attention. We arrived almost no brakes. The next day I had already lost all the brake fluid. The entire brake system had melted by the wear and heat.
* Beaches of Fortaleza.
spent three days in Fortaleza, sleeping in tents on the beach as the great friend we managed the Falcon by the minimum cost.
With this humble "service" we will not stop till Missions thread. Were more than 8,000 km but walked without touching a single nut.
The Northeast region is characterized as an area of \u200b\u200bsugar cane monoculture, a crop that was implemented in the region by the Portuguese conquest because of the profits in foreign trade. But sugar cane is not even a plant native to America but was brought from Europe to meet demand in most of their English or U.S. colony.
The mass production of sugar has caused major changes in the environment of "sertao" as he calls this northeastern region. Region originally used to be very wet, high vegetation, sugar cane is now as far as the eye, where the heat is unbearable, and the warm breeze smells of agrochemicals. As the tail of Hurricane
also brought misery and hunger and that once this land gave enough food for its population without even working the land. Is remembered for its great variety of foods that sprouted fruit of privileged microclimate that no longer exists. Sure, you can not replace food with sugar cane, even in places where you take plenty of "caldo de cana (sugar cane juice) in order to fool the stomach.
* sugar cane monoculture.
The contrast is the beaches, which unlike the blue beaches of the Caribbean, these are emerald green to the right temperature. We
beaches choosing where to spend the night, and so we came to Praia da Pipa, Praia do Forte, turtle reserves, beautiful places. The idea was to avoid the big cities submerged in poverty.
Asinara and trash surrounding the wealthy cord that possess the coast. Seeing this as a common denominator in the giant Brazilian cities, we chose the peace of nature on the beautiful beaches, mile after mile compete for who is the cutest.
* Praia do Forte. Bahia.
From Fortaleza to Natal, then Recife, Maceió, Aracaju and after a long tug arrived to Salvador de Bahia, one of the oldest ports of America, the ancient capital of the Portuguese colony where the Church has both political and economic power. That will have to see God in all this?
* Salvador de Bahia.
were in Salvador de Bahia apenas una tarde. Todavia estabamos lejisimo de casa y mas allá de las pintorescas callecitas de Salvador, no deja de ser una mega cuidad donde la población, ya saturó la belleza de la naturaleza.
Decidimos llenar el tanque y seguir para descansar en un lugar mas tranquilo.
*Las estaciones de servicio compiten por los clientes. Obviamente si el petroleo no seria un negocio tan bueno no abria una estación pegada a la otra ni Bush reclamaria democracias en el medio oriente.
De Salvador de Bahia nos alejamos de la costa para recorrer el largo trecho que lo separa de Rio de Janeiro. Cerca de 2000 km que al cabo de unos dias logramos completar, pero de Rio no hay fotos porque was a fleeting visit torrential rain. We could see the Sambodromo and walked a few blocks from Copacabana. We ran the rain. Days later we learned that the rain was so great that there were landslides and mudslides.
The item was out of Rio We like 2 hours on an elevated highway at a walking pace to share the chaos of this huge city with millions that inhabit it. Once en route
recover the peace and our next destination was Sao Paulo.
paulistas routes were already paying close attention to not enter the city and take the exit and towards Paraguay. While there we missed this time, the highways were collapsed and again we suffered the ordeal of escaping such clumps of people.
In Sao Paulo we cut straight to the triple border to enter our country for missions and visiting Niagara Falls.
This was the last stage in Brazil, we could complete on time as us on a day of the 3rd license that gave us back in Santa Elena Huaira to enter the country. We toured the 10,000 km in 29 days and finally came the first sign announcing the border with our country.
* When crossing the bridge, we thought only in Argentina through customs without problems. Ironically
instead of thinking that we would welcomed by our people, the fear was that customs confiscated the car because we have taken the country for over a year maximum period of temporary export.
This had already been a problem for the admirable Zapp family and our dear friend Ivan Pisarenko. Both had problems with retention of the vehicle and ridiculous taxes imposed. We might also be caught in the web that weaves the bureaucracy of the welfare state model.
But now more than ever in faith that nothing would happen and we could cross without lifting the face partridge controls.
And it was. They asked whence he came and told them that from here nomas, Foz de Iguazu, we had just crossed to see the falls on the side Brazilian and was back and follow, follow.
* Devil's Throat.
* Niagara Falls.
Coronado entrance with a visit to the Falls of us were amazed by nature and a little worried with so many gringos in the area. As you've seen so road signs are in English and last but not least, the new train "ecological" was built to carry the fatties who have trouble reaching the throat of the devil, can do without neglecting their diet of hamburgers and junk food.
Missions was a quiet knowing that the Falcon is a car well known to mechanics so we seek to align a Saturday afternoon in Posadas. It was something impresindible, and came crying wear covers the address.
Once aligned we took a little walk along the waterfront of Posadas, against Paraguay and returned to the road as of late afternoon.
knew we were not going to go that day but still decided to hit far more we can but there just melted one of the rear wheel lottery wheels so we slept behind a gas station and the next day this character we gave a hand and we could continue to Corrientes.
With new lottery wheels face the last day of what was the return to Latin America. It was a Sunday and learned that Boca-River played so wildly flasheabamos get to watch the game with friends, we imagined a reunion with our people and the delight of seeing the classic super all the same day.
But nothing goes as one might imagine. The day started getting hot, too heavy. The Falcon came to work at a very high temperature and decided to to rest, eat and change the water in the radiator that came with pure water coolant common Unknown years.
best idea I had Unscrew the drain test the radiator and that was where the screw was cut off and lost all the water. Leaflets
welding the radiator is 20 km and were going to melt the engine before even 10 km, so the boys servción station sent us the help of the toll that took us to Mocoretá, and in Between Rios but the radiator burst. We
the shop and the mechanic, far from wanting to work on a Sunday, I recommended buying caulk and putty to make a plug that up today seals the radiator Falcon. Sali
running a store that had already closed, the storm came and asked him to please the window to sell me a poxilina to follow and with an eye on the storm came, we concluded the radiator and we headed to Gualeguaychú, to the super storm stayed classic in Buenos Aires. Leaving
Mocoretá and headed back south, but all drivers got into the last service station wait out the storm. For a moment hesitate to pursue the painting for a serious storm and we came to the newly sealed radiator putty, anything could happen. Sometimes even wanted to operate the windshield wipers.
I braked a touch to see if some courageous was added to the road and saw a truck leave. Almost half but we part to go and we leave it behind the truck. Did not look anything, just we were guided by their lights.
A Once we entered the center of the storm, the sky cleared, the sun shone until he fell and then more rain until we got to Gualeguaychú after midnight.
Back at home, in payment of Entre Rios, in the beautiful city where we grew up and where we continue to grow. Continue to make entries when interesting information to share and remember that you can view the entire archive of travel, from the first day going to "older posts" and if you want to write can do it banderalatinoamericana@gmail.com
Many thanks to all who helped us, we heard, that supported this emotional challenge and do not forget that we are the same as always and we're going to win, always!