the route of the Huichol Indians Mexico-Tenochtitlan
With two bikes on conditions thrown at us a bold challenge. DF were tired, wanting to reconnect with "the marimbha" and "falquiton", so we loaded all our belongings on our shoulders and get the hell to go through half the federal district continued to Station Tasqueña cycling where the buses departed Tepoztlan.
We leave the Condesa neighborhood in the heart of federal, up with a guitar in hand. After 40 minutes dealing with the traffic load and Mexico, we climbed the last bridge of the highway that took us to the south terminal, but a drop in the fall of it will off balance my partner, who came juggling not to lose control or the guitar, was when everything was thrown, and my companion was found rolling in the hot asphalt of the avenue of rapid movement, trying desperately not to be overwhelmed by the famous "fish bowl" (private buses, which run without any type of state regulation.) After agonizing
Tepoz journey, we meet with the peace of this magical town. The "bald" more relaxed than ever and an unstoppable giant Marimbha been happy for the return of his buddies (friends). Leaving
Tepoz with a pleasing meteor shower that washed us and once in the chaos of the City, we go through the monster Insurgentes Avenue which cuts through the middle, and one could not forget, also
"useless" did with his own research on our purchasing power to address the usual bribes they demand. With patience and weighs no long arrived in the middle of the night at Teotihuacan.
Teotihuacan Valley was a sacred place where Aztecs lived in big cities and then Mexico until the English conquest. Home to numerous temples and pyramids as well as tunnels underground that communicate with each other. The most prominent are the temple of the sun and and the Pyramid of the Moon, both faced and strategically located in relation to the cardinal points and the trajectory of these two stars.
We place the Falcon in a nice place, suitable for mounting the tent. Before dinner we took the deliberate idea of \u200b\u200bclimbing at night to the Temple of the Sun climbed the wire mesh, and their respective Olympic barbed wire protecting this giant stone building who knows what evil, and at 2:00 in the morning. One at a time. Raul and I first crossed the Marimbha Revoli on 2, 5 meters of wire. Once in the arms of Raul, walked as if nothing, understanding the situation warranted own courage of a stray dog.
Once in the private park started walking in the middle of the night, lit by the moon, and avoiding as much possible spine toward the towering symbol of power of a highly developed civilization.
begin the ascent, and Marimbha up front reached the top of the pyramid of the sun Sitting on the giant appreciate the mountains of the valley, now all illuminated by the various nearby settlements, and curiously started to feel a strong energy coming from the pyramid, until we did feel some vibration, a slight imperceptible movement for skeptics.
satiate the desire to go to the temple, we returned to camp to eat some sausage to the fire, but too raw for us, was the feast of Marimbha that hungry as ever ate as a reward for his courage and effort in the venture. Well rested
ask to get us the photo cover of this entry and returned to the road desperate to move north.
With the latest pesos, as always, we reached the beautiful town of San Miguel Allende, Guanajuato State, located north of the City in the middle east. This is a small village (in terms of the localities in Mexico, because it is actually giant compared to the size of the towns in Argentina.) having the property of preserving all the houses in good condition from the colonial era.
All very tidy, very well preserved, San Miguel is a town of rare ethnic mistura. With features English colony, home to 14,000 Americans, artists, retirees, etc., that took root in the city, but far to adapt to Mexico, they speak English as if the language of the place and no crosses are learning head English, so the city sounds in English. The American chain of restaurants and cafes are adapted to the architectural style of the place so you can find a MacDonald's in a stone house with wide walls, thick wooden braces and red tile roof.
Just arrived in San Miguel, we went in search of that which there is usually little help when we need it and at a street sales met Victor, a fellow very interested in spreading culture that lives in a huge house to pay until it is rented. Violating the imperative of its own house no one else, he opened his heart and desire to give back all the help he received, we made room in his house. We spent about four days
frequented a café gringos we find the support to go forward to the desert and continue on the road so much missed in that month in Mexico City.
Camino Real De Catorce, mythical town as the land of the Huichol Indians, decided to spend the night in the middle of the desert more oil under the Tropic of Cancer (the Falcon already crossed both tropics). Before sunset we start our journey through the arid spiny this magical and magnetic fields, in search of Hikuri (peyote).
For a long time, different passenger nationalities have suggested we experience this ancient ritual, which is walking through the desert, as do Huichol looking for this kind of cactus, which for them is much more than that.
The Peyote is considered a spirit, a true God through their intake was able to save the indigenous community in times of extreme drought and lack of food staples.
The myth says that a group of explorers Huichol desperately went in search of food and deceived by the illusion of seeing a deer, they nailed their spears on a heavy clump of bushes. In a desperate attempt to save their lives decided to eat this cactus. The missionaries came in Hikuri uncontrollable nausea, but after this bad time began mink and spend the night, thirst and hunger had gone. So he returned to town with the Hikuri on hand to share with his people. From there walk to the Huichol this route in search of the spirit of peyote that I respect as a god. Cut
peyote became a federal crime except for the Huichol community, and transportation or comencialización is punished severely by the Mexican government. It is believed that this cactus takes approx. 30 years to develop completely, and that due to the constant visit of the curious as we could be in danger of extinction.
walked for an hour between the spines but without finding the precious Hikuri, perhaps because there were none in place or perhaps did not see it as no knew his way. Another theory is that the peyote is you to you, he will choose when you're ready for the experience.
Before the sun goes down we found this oasis lost. A huge lake with beautiful beaches in the middle of the valley, but quickly returned to the Falcon to fire, set up the tent and prepare for a cold night ...
At 5 in the morning the cold was such that we could not sleep and we just stay glued to Marimbha stick to tremble like paradise.
The sun's heat was a blessing to be able to break camp, stretching the body contractures the cold of the night, and to continue our journey to Real de Catorce.
Real de Catorce surprised us with a tunnel of 2, 5 km long running through a mountain, which consumed the lives of the people for 12 years to build. The town lies over 2100 meters above sea level, in a very dry region.
Arriving at the central plaza parked the Falcon, and after a quick and frustrated search for a contact in town, we decided not to waste time and continue on to Monterrey, as money was running out and Royal did not seem a suitable place for shirt sales.
In our desperate attempt to reach Monterey we stopped at a gas station sell even a shirt to get to the city. That was the goal, so we decided to postpone the meal of the day and any costs that keep us from paying the tolls that separated us from the industrial metropolis. Already
night, driving on a major access roads to the city, and a utopian delirious reception at the hands of a good soul to give us shelter and a meal, they put on a par a modern car, but Ford brand. At that looks a nice parent who yells ...
hold the Falcon locoooo! ... As banking ... no? Then banks and so we met the "Chinchu" a Rosario, "rogue" of heart that we immediately asked if we had dinner and before our sad answer right away told us ...
we pa 'about my old man has just opened a pizzeria and has not sold a damn, I invite you ... With a smile from ear to ear we got to the neighborhood Apodaca, the new exhibition "Pizza Pack", which cling to the old "Kookie" red-handed. Far from believing that we came from Argentina and driving an old "mother" Ford Falcon, the "Kookie" left the kitchen to see our treasure.
The rest of the story you imagine it ... once inside we did not take or spatula, so now we have more than one week with this gentle and simple family Santa Fe.
* The "Kookie" in the kitchen. Two
we enjoyed for three pizzas and pies, while going to sell shirts at the most affluent quarter of all Latin America, the San Pedro district, in the mountains of Monterrey. The people received us very kindly, but police need to justify their high salaries to child paraphernalia and unjustified, so we investigate and we take the data every time we see around the neighborhood, besides the usual bribe request that everyone is used.
* The "Chinchu" enjoying the beating that led to Raul with Inter Milan after favorite team Rosario Central.
Today Sunday we woke to the sad news that they had opened our car, our house and stole the autostereo us again that we are so hard to recover. Recall that spent 4 months of silence on the road from Antigua Guatemala to Playa del Carmen.
Then the family warmth made us forget the misery and we started to cook some good ravioli, playing Play Station III where Raul was beaten relentlessly by the expert Chinchu and dedicate ourselves to take the eggs Argentine football player.
Although we are only 2 hours from the U.S., our goal is to get to Tijuana, which lies on the Pacific coast of Mexico, therefore we have crossed from east to west across the northern Mexico, along the Rio Grande along more than 2000 km to reach the northernmost point in Latin America.
In a few days we will leave for Chihuahua, and we will seek Hikuri the desert, in the meantime we call for solidarity: If someone wants to work with a stereo for our car, our cell phone is 9981341577
, and our mail is being Thank you and Pura Vida for Everyone!